St. Louis, Kansas City, Springfield, Columbia Indian Community -
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Historical Event on 10/21/1997

RBI de-regulates deposit rates, reduces CRR and Bank Rate (from 10\% to 9) and allows banks to have two sets of Prime Lending Rates.

Other Historical Dates and Events
3/1/1775Purandhar Treaty was singed between Nana Phadnavis and British Army.
5/16/1999Senior Congress leaders oppose Sonia Gandhi as Prime Minister.
2/10/1999P. Gopi Chand (A.P.) and Aparna Popat (Karnataka) won the men's and women's singles titles respectively in the National badminton championship in Delhi.
11/28/1999Senior Awami League leader Mohammed Anwar Sheikh is killed and his wife and daughter-in-law are seriously injured in a militant attack on his house in Kashmir.
12/21/1911Central Bank of India established.
8/8/1972Olympics open at Munich (26).
5/4/1994Fourth developmental launch of ASLV. 113 kg Stretched Rohini Satellite Series (SROSS-C2) was launched by fourth developmental flight of ASLV-D4 from Sriharikota. This carried two scientific payload, a Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) experiment and a Retarding Potential Analyser (RPA). It is still in service.
9/18/1909Kilachand Ramdas, famous merchant, was born.
6/5/1659Dara Shukoh celebrated his coronation at Deorai after the final defeat.
5/5/1989Naval Tata, famous industrialist, passed away.